A first date should start with a kiss…not a pregnancy

As stated in my first session of the day on How to Personalize Without Being Creepy.

Basically, as marketers, we need to enter into our relationship with consumers slowly and conservatively. Personalization is important – it makes content more relevant and appealing to the consumers – but you can’t just jump right in.  First, we have to build trust and set expectations. One of those expectations is privacy.

Key points: make opt-in and opt-out easy, be transparent in how the data given is being used and anticipate creepy situations and build into design

Purpose of this session for me was to make the world a Better World. People don’t want to be stalked online and served content that makes them wonder why or how they were targeted for it. Marketers need to be transparent in what data they are collecting and how they are using it. It is our responsibility to our consumers to protect their privacy. In the end, this will make for a better world.

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