
“Big Flex” touts two bags free and no cancellation fees so travelers can be swayed by their passions

By Sabrina Sanchez from AdAge

Editor’s Pick

Southwest Airlines is showing off its flexible perks in its latest campaign from agencies Spark Foundry and GSD&M targeting both wanderlusters and Gen Z travelers.

“Big Flex” launched Thursday with several spots where travelers show off to friends, other travelers and resort staff how they can extend their stays by changing flights with no fees and how much they can pack for their trips.

Shot in Mexico, the spots showcase Southwest’s benefits including two bags that fly for free and no change or cancellation fees. Each ad was inspired by the idea of travelers living their lives led by their passions, whether spontaneously deciding to stay an extra day at their destination or packing an entire gaming PC in a bag—just because they can.

“We are the most flexible airline. And we take pride in offering benefits that are the most flexible,” said Julia Jenkins Melle, director of brand and content for Southwest Airlines. “At Southwest, we’re about connecting our customers to what matters most to them and their passions, and being able to offer them two bags fly free means being able to pack more about what they’re passionate about.”

In addition to the spots, Southwest Airlines is partnering with influencers such as Kelsey June Jensen to highlight some of the destinations that Southwest serves.

The campaign also includes a series of ads specifically created for local markets. Ads will run on streaming services, broadcast and cable TV, social media and audio platforms.

“We know that [Gen Z] (is) using their social platforms for search and inspiration. So we want to make sure that we are there in those moments,” Melle said. “From our research we know that our two bags free still resonates with them, low fares matter, and being able to change their plans on a whim and not be penalized matters. That’s why we are focusing on those specific benefits.”

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