U.S. Space Force Space Is Closer Than You Think
The security of space is the security of Earth
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The United States Space Force is the first and only organization created to protect the future of space and Earth. Launched via a tweet by the former president, we quickly established the Space Force as a credible brand with a critical mission and a pressing recruiting goal to bring in the best and brightest.

Strategy: Turning skeptics into believers
Turning skeptics into believers
Foundational qualitative research helped to uncover America’s feelings toward space. We learned that space is a source of hope and Americans are uncertain about the idea of a Space Force. We realized that we had to create a digital destination that could demystify the Space Force’s mission while also inspiring the next generation to become Guardians and pursue a military or civilian career with the first new American military branch in over 50 years.
Outcome Semper Supra, Always Above
Spaceforce.com is a first-of-its-kind website designed to immerse Americans in the reality of space operations. We created an immersive digital ecosystem, striking a balance between being an engaging information hub and a hardworking recruiting site, bringing millions to the site and thousands of recruits to the application page. Throughout the site, interactive launch sequences, satellites and visualizers weave real-time 3D elements seamlessly into traditional content to demonstrate how closely space is interwoven into our modern way of life and how vital the Space Force’s role is in protecting it.
Space Force met its recruiting goals and now has hundreds of recruits waiting in the wings, ready to get their chance to protect this planet.