How does the Air Force find and recruit the best and brightest of today’s generation?

The Pentagon estimates that a mere 25% of America’s youth are fit to serve in the U.S. military. Smaller still, less than 2% of those individuals also fit the strict academic, physical and moral standards set by the U.S. Air Force, making recruiting an increasing challenge. Because today’s generation of high-quality candidates are digital natives and not traditional military recruits, traditional recruiting practices alone simply won’t do. So we create cutting-edge interactive and digital experiences that captivate, challenge and help recruit the youth who will continue to elevate the world’s most technologically advanced military power into the future.

Inspiration, collaboration and high-tech creation

The Air Force Collaboratory was the first digital collaborative platform that paired students with Air Force experts to solve some of the Air Force’s toughest challenges. In the end, students and the Air Force developed the “Arachnipede”—a 3D-printed microbot that will be deployed after natural disasters to locate trapped life—as well as launched a $200 million GPS satellite into a precise position in space. The Collaboratory was heralded as the next-generation classroom and took home a Gold and two Silver Lions from Cannes.


A little less talk, a little more action

This isn’t a brand you can easily try on. In order to reach the young and technologically minded, we have to let them get up close and personal with all the future tech and advanced thinking the Air Force has to offer. So we’ve created unique events to tour the country and go right to them. Featuring experiences that get adrenaline going and interactive hands-on challenges, we give the next generation of Airmen a chance to try the Air Force on for size.

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