Creative 100: Agency Leaders Who Are Defining a New Era

Creative 100: Agency Leaders Who Are Defining a New Era

Maria D’Amato
Executive creative director, GSD&M

Maria D’Amato

On the road back to GSD&M: “I worked in digital design at agencies like Engage (later Moxie Interactive) and Schematic (later Possible Worldwide) but really found my footing during my first stint at GSD&M. When R/GA opened their Austin office, I left GSD&M to start the visual design practice there. I helped to grow the office, the team and the client roster, but eventually heard the siren song of my old stomping grounds as GSD&M was getting ready to launch [the] Experience Design [program].”

Recent work: “Command the Stack,” a concept that created “the world’s first AR flight simulator game, [giving] players an exciting look at some of the U.S. Air Force’s most advanced aircraft and the missions they lead. The game is based on a real Air Force strategy known as the stack, where aircraft at different altitudes work together to accomplish one mission. … I love that it’s a shining example of what can happen when disciplines come together.”

Advice for aspiring creatives: “Be prepared. Research the brand you’re about to get briefed on. Know their products, services and previous advertising. Practice your presentations over and over and over again to anyone who will listen. Have the deck ready to go a day in advance so you can make sure it’s perfect and that you have time to practice with it.”

—Kennyatta Collins

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