From Creativity: Barbasol Offers Lessons in Manhood

When a young man picks up his first razor is an iconic moment in his transition into manhood. Most often it happens under the careful guidance of a father or father-figure and – for many – a can of Barbasol was also a part of that experience.

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Agency: GSD&M

Client: Barbasol

Book Title: The Field Guide to Manhood

Executive Creative Director: Jay Russell

Group Creative Director: David Crawford

Creative Director, Art Direction: Shane Starr

Creative Director, Writer: Jake Camozzi

Writer: Reagan Ward

Designers: Stephen Rockwood, Alex Roka

Illustration:Stephen Rockwood, Alex Roka, Marc Ferrino

Photographers: Shannon McMillan, Lilli Salerno

Art Producer: Marilyn Rose

Retouching: Lilli Salerno, Daniel Rodriguez

AccountService: David Hughes, Megan Brittain

Project Manager: Roger Williams, Brigitta Arden

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