From WFAA: Clever Southwest Airlines billboards created in Austin

AUSTIN – The advertisements blanket billboards around Dallas Love Field.

But all excitement in Dallas over the end of Wright Amendment restrictions for Southwest Airlines actually began off 6th Street in Austin at an advertising agency called GSD&M.

“We thought you guys would like to come up and see how it really gets done,” said Marianne Malina, GSD&M President, as she led News 8 upstairs.

That’s where the creative minds behind those clever ads like Morelando, LuvGuardia and LAXOXO brainstorm ideas and developed the campaign.

“People always ask Jay [Russell], ‘How do you guys come up with ideas?,'” Malina said, standing in front of a wall with dozens of billboard ads on it.

“It’s like a big refrigerator wall. Anytime we have an idea we stick it up,” said Russell, GSD&M Chief Creative Officer.

Read the full article here.

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