Goodyear Launches New Spot Encouraging Athletes and Fans to #BeBlimpworthy

Two seasons ago, Goodyear defined what it means to be Blimpworthy from the perspective of the Goodyear Blimp – a witness to the hard work, determination and grit of college football for more than 60 years. Now Goodyear is shifting its perspective to those on the playing field, asking what it means to be Blimpworthy.

In Goodyear’s newest spot called “Be Blimpworthy,” we see the story of a young man who grows up dreaming of one day playing under the blimp, then dedicates himself to achieving that goal.

With this new campaign, Goodyear has moved beyond defining what it means to be Blimpworthy and now hopes to play a larger role in motivating and inspiring the next generation. For Goodyear, whose long-standing tagline is “More Driven,” it’s not always those who are born with the most talent or the greatest opportunity. It is those who work the hardest in pursuit of a dream who are truly Blimpworthy.

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