GSD&M Creative Duo ‘JoLeighn’ Honored on Adweek’s Creative 100 List

GSD&M’s Creative Directors, Jon Williamson and Leigh Browne, were honored in Adweek’s Creative 100 list alongside names like Lizzo, LeBron James and Ryan Reynolds.  

The list showcases creators and innovators who demanded audience attention and started conversations in the world with their ideas. It’s a privilege to appear on this list with creative powerhouses across industries.

“JoLeighn,” as they are known around the agency, has worked together for nine years; long enough to know that they’re opposite personalities that just happen to work well together.

“Fight with your partner,” Jon says in the Adweek feature. “It will make you both better creatives. Leigh tells me I’m stupid daily. But that’s a good thing.”

The duo is always striving to create work that takes their breath away. They led Popeyes 12-Hour Drive-Thru, where the restaurant highlighted its unique, 12-hour marination process with a 12-hour drive-thru from Texas to New Orleans. During peak holiday travel, they eased airport anxiety with Popeyes TSA-approved Emotional Support Chicken. In 2018, they created an entire universe without chips for guac (shocking) in Avocados from Mexico’s award-winning Super Bowl spot.

With creatives like Jon, Leigh and everyone else on the 2019 Creative 100 list, the future is bright.

Check out JoLeighn’s feature here, and read up on the full list.

Jon Williamson and Leigh Browne

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