New Work:

The next evolution of, created by GSD&M, has been designed from the ground up to both accentuate the idea that the U.S. Air Force does the seemingly impossible every day as well as provide flexibility to modify that message as needed.

Using an editorial style layout, the homepage provides visitors multiple entry points into the deep well of information on The top of the page is an interactive module that can quickly be updated to feature new messages or initiatives as they arise. The rest of the page is organized into sections that are used to bring forward important content typically buried deep in the site. These sections can be changed on the fly as Air Force needs change. The end result is a flexible design that allows for incredibly nimble messaging.

The current homepage features are: an interactive module highlighting the seemingly impossible things the Air Force does every day, a call to download the Air Force Tech Hangar app and sections about careers and what life is like in the Air Force.

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Agency: GSD&M
Client: U.S. Air Force
Group Creative Director: Tom Gilmore
Creative Director: Stephen Land
Associate Creative Director: Cheyenne Gallion
Producer: Paul Gallardo
Account Services: Lee Pilz, Norah Rudyk, Elissa Pate
Interactive Production: Coloring Book Studios
Project Management:  Sara Rosales

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