Photos from Daniel Johnston’s 50th Birthday Party at GSD&M

Last Friday GSD&M held a 50th birthday party for famed artist, singer, songwriter, and musician Daniel Johnston. Daniel has contributed to Austin’s music scene as well as art, having created the well-known mural Hi, How Are You. Attendees including legendary Austin rocker Roky Erickson, Waterloo Records owner John Kunz and Austin City Limits producer Terry Lickona enjoyed Daniel’s favorites — hamburgers, Mountain Dew, Amy’s ice cream and cake.

Photographer: Travis Tank

Travis Tank

(Pictured from left to right: Bill Marceau, Bill Bayne, Daniel Johnston, John McGrath, Jennifer Smith and David Rockwood)

Travis Tank

Travis Tank Travis Tank Travis Tank Travis Tank


Travis Tank






(Pictured: Dick Johnston and Louis Black)

Travis Tank

(Pictured: Terry Lickona and James Zumwalt)

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