Pittsburgh PSA shines light in the face of tragedy

On October 27, 2018, 11 worshippers were tragically shot and killed in the Tree of Life Synagogue in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA. A neighborhood that not only prides itself on community but was home to the city’s most beloved teacher and icon, Mister Rogers.

But, in a country where shootings have become commonplace, Pittsburgh coped with the devastation in a truly unique way: by coming together—regardless of race, religion or political affiliation—to support its neighbors.

Pittsburgh is the positive example we all need going into the new year. Which is why GSD&M’s Pittsburgh-born writer, Alex DiBucci, and her art director partner, Kate Griffiths, created a PSA that spotlights the city’s hopeful response to the tragedy, with words of encouragement from Squirrel Hill’s very own Mister Rogers. In an event that could’ve driven the town apart, the “city of neighborhoods” truly lived up to its name and united as one. Mister Rogers would have been proud.

Going into 2019, we could all use a reminder of what it means to be a good neighbor. Because no matter what happens, who we are or what we believe, we’re all in this together. At the end of the day, we are all neighbors.

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