Pizza Hut and GSD&M Launch Newstalgia Campaign

They did it by leaving the pizza price wars behind and getting back to what they did best: making the pizza lover’s pizza.

Eighteen months ago, GSD&M and Pizza Hut got to work by bringing back everything that people loved about Pizza Hut in the first place—their logo, their font and package design, red cups, Tiffany lamps, videogames, music—all the things in their classic-brand DNA.

But it wasn’t good enough to just bring back the classics. They had to be reinvented for a modern audience. This wasn’t nostalgia. This was Newstalgia. And the results were better than we ever imagined.

They invented new pizzas like their Detroit Style and bundled favorites together for families stuck at home during the holidays.

It wasn’t just about inventing new. It was about honoring what made Pizza Hut famous in the first place. We put a new spin on Stuffed Crust, created merch that strategically tied into their iconic pizzas and even reimagined the Pizza Hut gaming experience of the ’80s by taking PAC-MAN out of their restaurants and delivering it to millions of customers with playable augmented reality.

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