A GSD&M Love Story

While our website is inundated with employee photographs, we did not expect it would be used as a people-connecting service. However, a couple weeks ago we received a note from a lady hoping to get in touch with one of our employees.

Background: Marc Ferrino is an Associate Design Director here at GSD&M and he doubles as a very talented musician. As lead singer of Black Before Red, Marc designed their band logo “The Outdoor Mix” and also submitted it to Threadless for a t-shirt design.Love Story: Rae bought Marc’s shirt from Threadless in 2006 and it quickly became her favorite gear. “I, enamored with the design, promptly wore it to holey armpit honor status, and still keep it my drawer for when I reeally want to feel happy, kinda like a hug,” she tells GSD&M. Soon after wearing out the shirt, Rae met a construction worker named Davis who happened to have the exact same design of her coveted t-shirt as a sticker (Black Before Red’s band sticker) stuck to his hard hat. This is no coincidence, ladies and gents, it’s fate… it’s love.

Today: These vinyl-and-birdie lovin’ tree huggers are getting married! Rae sent a note to GSD&M hoping to pay tribute to the design(er) that brought her and her love together. We connected Rae & Davis with Marc and so they can use “The Outdoor Mix” on their wedding invitations.

Great design bringing great people together. Here’s to the bride & groom!

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