All systems go. The new GSDM website has launched.

By Ryan Carroll

At precisely 11:42 p.m. last night, a small group of GSD&M employees gathered on the back lawn with the purpose of secretly launching a satellite into space. On board this spacecraft was the new website.

We are proud to announce that the launch was successful, and our new site is now live. Inevitably, many of you out there will question the timing of this launch and its close proximity to Presidents’ Day. “Is GSD&M trying to upstage this sacred holiday? Do they think their new site is more important than the 44 men who have guided and shaped this great nation of ours?”

Well, when you put it that way, we do look like jerks. Sorry.

Please check out our new site anyway. We’re quite fond of it (it’s HTML5; maybe you’ve heard of it), and if you’re fond of it as well, we ask that you kindly pass it along to your internet buddies. We want the site to out-trend Bieber.

Happy early Presidents’ Day.

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