Branding and BBQ

In advertising, we talk a lot about branding. In Austin, we talk a lot about BBQ. Since SXSW is just around the corner, let’s explore the brilliant (but deceptively simple) branding of Franklin’s BBQ.

Franklin’s BBQ doesn’t take reservations. The full restaurant and long lines are its primary ads.

The menu is simple and straightforward. No need for fancy descriptions requiring hours of a copywriter’s time. When you eat Franklin’s brisket, you’ll understand why. Moaning is the only adjective you’ll need.

The BBQ sauce says it all. No labels. Come as you are. Be adventurous.

This is more about Franklin’s business model than branding. Of course, you might say, “What a wasted opportunity! Why not make more product and sell even more!” To which I would imagine Franklin would say, “Why not just call it a day and enjoy another beautiful afternoon in Austin, relaxing in a hammock or lounging on the lake?”

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