Empowering Employees (and customers)

Session: Unleashing Employees: Empower Innovation from the Ground Up

General Notes: Tablets are the most quickly adopted technology ever (there are 82 million tablets in use today). Of the game changing technologies – cloud, social, mobile – mobile was voted by the room to have the biggest impact. Customers are empowered by social – a bad experience can be tweeted about and can be highly impactful. Employees are empowered by mobile and social. 120 million smart phones are used for business. Employees are going to find a way to get work done – not always with the blessing of IT. Companies need to support those methods and adopt new ways. Companies need to support employees from the ground up – empowerment can’t just happen at the top.

My takeaway: the most successful people will be those that feel empowered and are supported by their companies. But how do you get people to feel empowered? As an agency, we do a lot for our employees and still I don’t know that everyone feels empowered to make a change or bring forward new ideas.


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