Nerd Profile: Paul Gallardo


What’s your title or role at GSD&M?

Executive Producer. That guy who walks around carrying a laptop while on his phone not paying attention to where he’s going.

What’s your association with interactive and new technologies being developed for GSD&M’s client roster?

Primarily U.S. Air Force. Drones and stuff. Is this being published somewhere?

How “innovative” is too innovative? When it breaches someone’s privacy or security?

I think they’re exclusive of one another. Push the thinking, please. But if I give you my personally identifiable information, just don’t lose it. And don’t use it to re-target me with McDonald’s online ads. That doesn’t make me feel too good about myself.

Technologies in gaming. Expand on how the player can become ‘one with the game’ between new technologies and social media.

Gaming is the cradle for social experiments. (I just made that up). But really, whether it be console, PC or mobile-based gaming, there’s so much you can learn about our group behavior and what motivates us as individuals. As for the technology aspect, we can extend a singular game experience across devices and platforms. Heck, I’ve got a buddy that extended his Halo points to my, I mean, his resume. What’s the next big push in social media, user engagement and brand integration? Nike FuelBand x 100. More specifically, immediate, relevant and decision-driving information displayed on high resolution watch screens. It’s that or Amazon starts selling the breakfast machine from Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure.

If you could roll into work in a jet, fighter chopper or tank, which one would it be?

If you’d give me the option, may I pick a Teleporter instead. Always wanted one of those. Please.

Tell us something:

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.

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