Facebook Testing Trending Topics

Facebook is testing its own version of trending topics with a new type of news feed story that aggregates posts with a similar keyword. The biggest advantage of Facebook’s take on Twitter’s popular feature is that the trending topics link to Facebook Brand Pages, even if users don’t explicitly tag them. These stories read “[Friend’s name] and [x] other friends posted about [Page name],” with the Page’s name linked.This new feature represents a huge growth opportunity for Facebook brand pages, expanding their reach and cutting out the extra step of trying to convince users to @tag their Page in posts. However, there are still a few cons to consider that will affect both brands and users. Negative mentions of a brand can now be linked to its official Facebook Page, since Facebook has not implemented any sentiment filtering. Also, users may feel that Facebook is invading their privacy by “reading” their posts and may feel that they are being used by Facebook as a marketing tool.

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