Inspired By Design

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to remove,” Edwarde Tufte. Being a creative director with Microsoft and involved in the UI design of Windows Phone 7, Mike Kruzeniski believes the world of print design can heavily influence our interactive world. With web pages becoming more and more clutered with information, he says we are ready to let the UI get out of the way to bring the content forward. Take notes from Swiss typography designers, learn to love the whitespace and force a flow of the page or the experience of the site, the high res displays we are currently using can now handle it. So how do we convince a client this is a good look when we constantly hear that a web design is just repurposed print? He argues that print designers have been perfecting their craft for 400-500 years or more, shouldn’t they know what looks good and how to get a message across to the end user? I’m guilty of this myself, but why can’t we reinvent the look of the web or mobile apps? He says it’s time to remove the ornimental designs and overall fakery. Let’s move on and make the web beautiful.

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