L.L.Bean’s First-Hand Expression of What Telescope is About

Our client Katie Livesay (Senior Analyst) talks about L.L.Bean’s largest issues with analyzing data and how implementing the Telescope platform helped automate data flow/changed the way she views reporting.

What is the largest hurdle when it comes to analyzing your data?
The most difficult aspect of analyzing our digital data was being able to get a quick snapshot of program performance. Data was coming in from various sources and required manually pulling and aggregating. This took eight to 10 man hours each week in addition to equal, if not more, agency time.

GSD&M recommended implementing Telescope to help automate your data flow. What did you have to do differently to get ready to use the tool?
We worked with the team to show how we wanted to connect our site-side analytics with the ad-serving data. I set up an automated nightly report to be delivered to them, and that was it. They figured out how to show the data in a single view, and that was it.

How has Telescope changed the way you view reporting?
Telescope has enabled us to view program performance daily (vs. weekly) and has freed up staff hours to focus on optimizing program performance and to proactively respond to the marketplace. Telescope simplified not only the reporting process but also reporting deliverables, which can now be easily shared with senior management.

Has Telescope taken the manual burden out of reporting?
We no longer need to pull data from multiple sources. Automated reports are sent nightly to Telescope, and they handle the rest. It just happens.

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