Mo Half-grown

We’ve been busy over here – growing facial hair, watching for Team Mopack members on Movember Or Just Creepy and raising money. We set up posters around the office for employees to tag themselves as Mopack supporters with a stache-of-choice. I’m currently rocking the “Pippi Longstocking.”

And Christmas came early! We got a care package full of swag from the Movember headquarters in L.A. — T-shirts, beanies, cool shades and a signed poster for the Pack.


Most importantly though, the mustaches are really starting to take shape. I was able to track down most of the fellas to capture their halfway mark.


Mo’s-to-go: Bill, Ben and Tyler’s on the road photos.


If you’d like to donate to Team Mopack, you can donate here:

Thanks for your support!

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