Staff Picks: 5 Questionable Halloween Brand Extensions

Just in time for Halloween, some of our favorite brands launch what they think consumers will run out and buy. We polled our employees and here’s a list of Halloween- or fall-themed products that in our opinion, are D-O-N-E.

Pumpkin spice flavored things (M&Ms, Extra gum, Pop-Tarts, Pringles, Chobani yogurt…). Enough with the pumpkin, already!Untitled1


Candy Corn Oreos = Crème de NO

3UntitledStarbucks Franken Frappuccino = Green Tea Frappuccino with peppermint syrup, white mocha sauce, java chips, and mocha drizzle = Franken-NOUntitled4Burger King’s Black Burger = Just NOUntitled5Have anything to add? Sound off in the comments.

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