SXSW Recap: All Things Interactive Must Come To An End

Well folks, the fun is halfway over. We’ve seen rainstorms, traffic jams and endless lines at the badge pick-up stations, but none of these things have dampened the spirits of our enthusiastic SXSurrogates. They have been out and about since Friday gathering insight among brands and media/tech insiders to embrace the newest trends of the digital age. It has certainly been a fun run, but the time has come for the swarms of social media elite to pack up their things while the music-goers take their place in continuation of the 2012 Austin takeover. Lets take a step back and ask our surrogates, what have we learned over the past few days of SXSW Interactive?

Mazen Hassan presents the highlight of his SXSWeek – a conversation with Seth McFarlane.

Did anyone catch Rainn Wilson’s discussion on his web-based spiritual brainchild, SoulPancake? Mark Bielik explains.

Stuart Knowlan gives a glimpse of those who played dress-up for this year’s conference.

“Feel Rich wants to do for health what Steve Jobs did for technology: make it really, really cool.” Whaaaat? Read more from Andrea Boettcher’s recap of Paul Wall’s community advancement program in the panel Feel Rich: Health is the New Wealth.

Joel Parr caught a conversation between Sean Parker and Vice President Al Gore on the intersection of democracy and the internet. Check out his commentary here.

Free swag…? How and where?! Tim Yuen gives the lowdown with his nifty guide.

Also, don’t forget to check out photos from Monday night’s Industry Party courtesy of Boothify. The night was nothing short of a success as we all gathered under the stars (yep, all 1000+ of us!) for a night of music, art, drinks and mingling. Thanks to everyone who came out!

To wrap things up, let’s check out our SXSurrogate of the day… Reagan Ward! She’s a writer here at GSD&M and will be attending both Film and Music portions of SXSW this week. Read her latest blog post here and stay tuned for her thoughts on SXSW throughout the week. Her Austin Trinity includes Curra’s Grill for the eats, Lamberts for the drinks, and The New Movement Theater for just hangin’ out.


Have a happy SXSWednesday!

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