SXSWi Predictions from USA Today

SWSWi is starting today and there are already predictions in the news of the emerging trends we will see here in Austin this week. Can you imagine displaying content from your PC or tablet on your arm or embedded in your favorite t-shirt? Skinput devices is just one of the technology predictions USA today is reporting we will hear buzz on this week.

Other noteworthy trends to keep a look out for this week include:

1. Optimal Technology: Google Goggles, terminator-like eyeglasses that stream information onto the lenses in real time

2. 2nd Screen Experience: Enhance your TV viewing experience for live events and reality TV shows. For example, during the Super Bowl viewers could keep up with Eli Mannin’s passing yardage on the right side of the screen, with real-time statistics.

3. Smart Homes: Electrochromic window technology would let  house in Colorado block out cold during the winter and disperse heat in the summer.

4. Superbatteries: enhanced battery life on electric cars for up to 300 miles (from 50 – 100 miles currently). I might need one of these this week during the SXSWi panels – word on the street is power outlets are in high demand in the Austin area.

To read more about the USA Today technology predictions, check them out here:

USAToday: SXSWi welcomes innovators, inventors to Austin

Source: USA Today, SXSWi welcomes innovators, inventors to Austin, by: Jon Swart

‘Wacky’ ideas find fertile ground at SXSWiThe crew from Google’s Android team was huddling late last month to put the final touches on an idea. The annual South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi) conference which kicks off today in Austin – one of the hottest tech gatherings of the year – was fast approaching, and the group was toiling on the next phase of digital content for Android phones.

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