The Digital Roast of Luke Sullivan

Most old folks go to Florida. Luke’s going to Georgia. He’s leaving us July 1st to begin his 2nd career as the chair of the advertising department at the Savannah College of Art and Design.

As I pause and reflect on the departure of such a Legend, I highly doubt Bill Bernbach’s last week looked like this. As he exited his esteemed agency life after 3+ decades of service, I doubt the junior Creatives he’d hired mocked him. I doubt those that had launched his career went out of their way to joke about dumb shit he’d done 20+ years ago. And there probably wasn’t this much profanity.

But this isn’t Bill Bernbach. This is Luke Sullivan.

And when Luke leaves, you roast him.

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You don’t just roast him in an intimate Rat Pack, Friar’s Club kind of way. You build and roast him publically, in the world’s first Digital Roast ever made. Ever.

Sure, you get a few prepared videos from heavy hitters like Mike Hughes, Lee Clow and Jamie Barrett, just to make it look like you’re taking your job seriously.

But then you dig out Luke’s old TV reel and print ads and roast the very things that made him famous in the first place. And then you even consider roasting his #1 best seller, “Hey Whipple, Squeeze This,” and decide that yes, nothing is sacred.

And in this modern-day post-Bernbachian world, you of course make it really easy for everyone and their mother to roast Luke, too.

Twitter Roast, check. Hashtag, #whippleroast.

All you have to do now is visit and dive in.

Oh, and follow Luke on Twitter (@heywhipple) and at so he thinks he’s getting something out of all this.

Luke, we love you. We will miss you. Blah blah blah.

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