There’s got to be a better way to check in.

It’s supposed to be the cutting edge of technology. Can’t we come up with an APP or something to check in? When I got to the Austin Convention Center yesterday to pick up my badge for SXSW Interactive the line wrapped around the entire lobby and then back again, about a half mile or more. Then when you finally make it to the hallowed door you scurry into a line of stantions that’s twenty five lines deep, and 50 yards wide. 2 hours, 15 minutes. Really? I understand, a lot of people are coming to get their badge all at the same time. Great. But can’t someone come up with a better way to get your badge? They have quicker ways to get sushi in Tokyo. People are taking your picture and printing it out slapping it in a plastic pouch and voila you’re in. Couldn’t there be an APP, or a way for you to print your own singular badge that has some sort of unique tag. There’s got to be a way to streamline that process. Make it a contest for next year. Give the winner a platinum pass. Give the rest of us our two hours back

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