Thinking About Friends & Family at the USAFA

By Jefferson Burruss


I saw these photos on my father’s Facebook page this morning, and they took my breath away. Just this May, I was sitting in Falcon Stadium at the Air Force Academy, watching my sister graduate, hearing the President deliver a commencement speech, and watching – in awe – with proud parents, friends and families as the Thunderbirds put on an amazing show above these beautiful Rocky Mountains.GSD&M is in the midst of a project to rebuild the USAFA web site, and of course many of our Air Force clients and their friends and colleagues are graduates of the Academy and are deeply affected by this natural disaster. The community of Colorado Springs and the Academy are intertwined, so as they face these incredible challenges brought on by the wildfires, we hope and pray for their safety as they protect and rebuild their homes and lives.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The Red Cross is helping shelter families evacuated due to the fires. You can donate at and other charities who are helping the Air Force and Colorado Springs communities.

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