Your iPhone Battery on Steroids

By Soli Moshfeghian, information architect

If James Franco walks into a party and you can’t tweet about it, will anyone believe you? Use these tips to avoid a dead phone disaster:


Turn off Geo-location apps

If you are lost or confused, ask a friendly Austinite for directions. We generally don’t bite.

Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Off

Tame your notifications

Twitter, Calendar, and text are the only notifications you need.

Settings > Notification Center > Scroll down under each category and select ‘None’

Disable iMsg

We used to send regular ol’ texts back in the day anyway.

Settings> Messages > iMessage > Off

Say No To Siri

Siri uses GPS or Wifi to work, so disable her if you can get by.

Settings> General > Siri > Off

Dim your Screen

The hot Texas sun is bright enough.

Home Button > Slide Finger Up from Bottom of Screen > Lower brightness

Disable WiFi and Bluetooth

Kill WiFi and Bluetooth if not in use as they are battery drainers.

Home Button > Slide Finger Up from Bottom of Screen > Wifi and Bluetooth off – unless you are using accessories

Stop Unnecessary Vibrations and Sounds

You’ll be checking your phone for secret show updates every five minutes anyway.

Settings> Sounds > Vibrate > Off

Settings > Sounds > Keyboard Clicks > Off

Stop Motion

Background motion does not come without a price.

Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion > Move slider to Green/On

Disable Diagnostics

Apple doesn’t need to know what you’re up to for the next few days.

Settings > General > About > Diagnostics and Usage > Don’t Send

Kill any unused apps

The worst are the ones that use location services.

Double click the home button, slide apps up off the screen to kill the unused apps.

Disable iPod EQ

All the good music is on stage anyway.

Settings > Music > EQ > Off

Go Airplane

If you are in a low coverage spot, tune out and turn on Airplane mode for a bit.

Settings> Airplane Mode > Off

Set Auto-Lock Timer to 1 Minute

This will save your battery and your butt from making unwanted calls.

Settings> General > Auto-Lock > 1 minute

Cheat. Buy A Backup Charger.

How To Charge Forward

If you need a quick charge, and especially if your battery is running uber low, avoid using macbooks or a desktop. Charge either via an iPad or a wall adaptor.

Charge up your Smartphone and your Body

A few sponsors offer secure charging stations where you can charge up your gadget. Did we mention that you can lounge on one of massage chairs nearby?

Last but not least, don’t be shy. Plug in to a stranger’s macbook or iPad. Just make sure you buy them a drink after.

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