Behind the Making of Southwest Airline’s Latest Spot – High School Reunion

On the making of Southwest Airline’s latest work, “High School Reunion” – this was a fun spot to make. Everyone who goes to their high school reunion enters with some baggage. It’s inevitable. You’re now a confident, successful adult, but you walk into that room and a small part of you is transported back to high school and everything that goes along with it. We liked everyone turning to look at our hero, and for a brief moment, you see her revert to her sixteen-year-old-self, wondering if she has pizza on her dress or something stuck in her braces. Then we see her confidence build and she owns the room.SWAWe also had fun mixing a bunch of our favorite things together: beautifully composed shots by director Jun Diaz. En Vogue. And a cast with a John Hughes vibe, complete with ex quarterback turned car dealership salesman. I can smell the CK One from here.

Allow us to take you back to your high school days here.

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