I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive

Some people are really good at everything they do. Steve Earle is one of those people. Most know him as a Grammy-winning musician, but Mr. Earle is also an actor on The Wire and Treme on HBO, a playwright and most recently, an author.

When he stopped by GSD&M in May, he read a passage from his new book I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive and shared incredible stories about what it is like to be Steve Earle. Needless to say, we were impressed.

When discussing his book, he shared his conspiracy theories about the doctor that traveled with Hank Williams during his final days before he died. And when Earle began to read a passage to us, you couldn’t help but get sucked into the musical prose. He belted out passages and pulled us all in with his plea:

“When one of Hank’s records dropped into place on an automated turntable, even the initial rumble of the needle in the well-worn grooves sounded lonesome. The crying steel guitar was the bait but it was the beat that set the hook, and by the time Hank’s voice crackled from the speaker it was too late. There was no escaping now.”

Steve Earle

Poster by Stephen Rockwood.
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