Monkey Town 6

Monkey Town, the experimental, completely immersive video cinema and dining experience has made its way from New York City to Denver and Barcelona. Stopping in Austin, for a three-month stint, we wouldn’t miss the opportunity to see what Monkey Town 6 was really all about. One 27-foot cube; a 5-course menu; sadly, no monkeys; and a wine pairing by famed Chef Sonya Cote later, we found ourselves in a state of euphoria and love somewhere on East 6th Street.


Videographers: Skylar Moran, Hannah Whisenant, Kai Ferguson, Agathe Fay

Director: Agathe Fay

Editors: Hannah Whisenant, Jacob Stern, Kyle Lorehn

Animator: Skylar Moran

Producer: Alex Luprete

Project Manager: Alicia Ross

Art Director: Morgan McDonald

Copywriter: Scott Chalkley

Group Creative Directors: Bill Bayne and Bill Marceau

Account Management: David Rockwood, Melanie Mahaffey, Chelsey Korman

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