Golden Dawn Arkestra

At Fun Fun Fun Festival in Austin, Texas, Golden Dawn Arkestra presented a theatrical experience through their afro-funk music using a collection of costumes and choreographic dance moves. A collective of 12 to 20 people in character, the band evolves through costumes, movements and songs. Coming from outer space, Golden Dawn Akestra is here to help us humans experience a more connected and joyous life. An experience we wouldn’t miss—we stopped by to enjoy the intergalactic journey, taking us into the depths of the funk machine.


Camera: Hannah Whisenant, Skylar Moran, Agathe Fay
Director and editor: Agathe Fay
Producer: Alex Luprete
Post Producer: Cecilia Melton
Creative Directors: Bill Bayne, Bill Marceau
Account Management: David Rockwood, Melanie Mahaffey

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