Shelter for the Soul

Local filmmaker Sam Douglas and architect Jack Sanders stopped by GSD&M to show us their documentary Citizen Architect. An inspiring story about creativity and working collaboratively, the documentary commemorates the influential work of Samuel Mockbee and the Rural Studio. We invited GSD&M employees and our John Deere clients to watch the film and learn about the powerful effect the Rural Studio has on the local community, students and the rest of the world.

Sam Douglas was inspired by the difference Mockbee set out to make by bringing students from Auburn University to rural Alabama to create well-constructed, beautiful homes and buildings in poor communities. While capturing the process of designing and building, Douglas relays a story that goes beyond architecture. It’s more than great art and design (and it is great art and design). It’s about social responsibility and making the world a better place to live.

You can learn more about the film here and be sure to keep up with Big Beard Films and Design Build Adventure here in Austin.

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