Goodbye Wright Amendment. Hello America.

After 35 years of waiting.

After a fight that took the perseverance of Southwest leadership, the Spirit of hundreds of its Employees, and a literal act of Congress.

After one full year since we at GSD&M first unveiled the “Nonstop Love” campaign in Dallas, we’ve finally reached the end of our countdown.

Today, the Wright Amendment is finally history.For those who don’t know what we’re talking about, the Wright Amendment was a law passed in 1979 to intentionally thwart Southwest’s ability to grow by restricting nonstop flights beyond the border of Texas. Today, October 13, 2014, is the day that legislation is finally set to expire.

It’s a historic moment for our partners at Southwest Airlines, who now can finally fly nonstop from Love Field in Dallas to destinations nationwide. But it’s about so much more than just nonstop flights.

Love Field is Southwest’s home. And despite the fact they’ve grown to become the nation’s largest domestic airline—even launching international travel this year—until today, Southwest still couldn’t fly nonstop to cities like New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles from its own hometown. This one was personal.

It’s one of the reasons why we really put our heart and soul into this campaign, which took the work of so many of our own Employees. For a year-long campaign involving so many touchpoints across OOH, print, digital, radio, and TV, countless people were involved. The billboards alone required writing literally thousands of lines for the hundreds of boards that actually ran.And for the TV campaign, we were so thankful to be able to partner with Echosmith to craft a new version of “All You Need Is Love” to commemorate Southwest’s historic moment. They wrote a beautiful cover we were able to pair with footage captured by our fantastic director, Jeff Zwart. That included a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lead Texas Rangers fans in a sing-along during the seventh-inning stretch at Globe Life Park in Arlington—something that’s become somewhat of a new tradition since that time.

For us at GSD&M, it means a lot to be able to help Southwest celebrate this watershed moment. Congratulations to Southwest. Congratulations to the People and the city of Dallas. There’s truly something special happening in Dallas today.

Heck, even the Cowboys are winning again.

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