Pinterest Fabulous 4’s

As the target audience for Pinterest I was thrilled to see the founder, Ben Silbermann speak at SXSWi. I thought I would share what I am calling the Fabulous 4’s: 4 upcoming enhancements on Pinterest, Ben Silbermann’s 4 Favorite things, and 4 Fun Facts about the history of Pinterest.

4 Upcoming Pinterest Enhancements
1. Re-Designing and enhancing profile page to be more of a snapshot of who you are (launching within weeks)
2. Making it easier to connect with others with common interests (not just your twitter followers and Facebook friends)
3. Expanding the number and type of things you can pin (video, sound bites, etc)
4. Platform expansion for iPad, Android, iPhone, etc.

4 of the Founder’s Favorite Things (on the web):
1. Kick Starter: KickStarter: A New Way to Fund & Follow Creativity
2. Duo Lingo: learn a new language for free Duo Lingo
3. Instagram: Instagram (iPhone app for photo sharing)
4. Fit Bit: Fit Bit (tracking of your everyday steps, stairs climbed, calories burned, and more, motivating you throughout the day)

4 Fun Facts About Pinterest:
Fact 1: Ben Silbermann, founder of Pinterest started at Google. Originally a collector of stamps and other collections, wanted an online outlet.
Fact 2: Ben Silbermann, started Pinterest by emailing his idea to 200 of his friends and 100 of his friends opened the email. First few months only had 9,000-10,000 users.
Fact 3: Up until mid-2011 Pinterest only had 5 employees working out of an apartment. Now Pinterest has 20 employees, 10 were hired in the last 4 months.
Fact 4: Goal of Pinterest is to help others discover things that they didn’t know they wanted (things that are hand-picked just for you), your boards should be collections of things in the online space that you can be proud of.

Thanks Pinterest for giving me inspiration in fashion, food, travel and so much more. I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Photo Source: Austin 360

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