Why Aren’t We Doing This Yet?


I stopped by the trade show and was completely overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in there. There was a Germany aisle, an Australia aisle and a Japan aisle with Harijuku girls and kimono clad pushers of technology, I think. I mostly walked by all this stuff glazed eyes until I saw Isis.

Isis Mobile Wallet is an App using NFC (Near Field Communication) technology that allows you to pay for stuff with your cell phone. You just simply tap your phone on the contactless payment terminal to pay. You can also use and receive merchant coupons too.

Want Isis? You’ll have to wait until this summer, of course Austin is a test market. You also have to have a HTC, LG, Motorola Mobility, RIM, Samsung Mobile or Sony Ericsson. It is unknown whether or not the iPhone 5 will include the NFC technology yet but, I for one, am keeping my fingers crossed.

BTW, Japan has already been doing this for like 5 years.

                                                                                                                       Isis in action.

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